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image  1 Nervous System + Trauma Support - SITEWIDE 50% OFF FLASHSALE on Sessions and my Nervous System Mento
October 26, 2022

SITEWIDE 50% OFF FLASHSALE on Sessions and my Nervous System Mentorship program will last for the next 24 hours as it’s intention is to support you through this incredibly powerful and transformational portal of time! My 3 week NS program is ONLY $577 - 534 OFF and theres 3 spaces open! The 6 week program is ONLY $1,111 -$1,222 OFF Themes of a New Moon Eclipse in SCORPIO:❤️‍🔥ECLIPSES are a portal of potent and rapid change, quick movement. It brings about upheaval, resets and tends to set the tone for the next 6 months ahead!New moons are a time of fresh beginnings. Of rebirth and renewal, and release of the past. Scorpio governs the sacral chakra, which is where all of our lineage patterns and deeply held childhood stuff, trauma, memories, unmet needs, fears, etc. It governs the emotional body, it resonates heavily with the element of water and the feminine, the “shadow” side of creation and the subconscious - which is the Nervous System. Scorpio resonates with all parts of the feminine and creation, both the subtle calm waters and raging tsunamis. Scorpios asks us to lean in and embrace every aspect of who we are and as we do that we allow ourselves to open up to true pleasure, liberation, abundance and receiving when we can embrace instead of fear all that we are! With this NEW MOON ECLIPSE IN SCORPIO we are being called to revisit very influential childhood parts, fears, traumas, unmet needs, basically the point where our coping mechanisms, survival patterns and self-protective parts began so that we can meet these needs ourselves now which creates so much strength and safety within the Self instead of needing to depend on another to meet them for us as we had to in childhood. We’re being called to face and clear out lineage patterns and identities that are no longer of service so that we can meet more of ourselves and our wholeness. CURRENT SALES to support these current times:1-on-1 SOUL EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS are up to $189 OFF - over 50% OFF!!:30 min - $77 60 min - $14490 mins - $188> > > Link in bio to book your sessions, or to book a free clarity call if you’d like to learn more about my NS Mentorship ✨🪞
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